Bai Buu is a local game Vietnamese game which has been introduced into the casino gaming floor. Each player hand and banker hand will receive 4 cards in total, to determine whether the player hand or the banker hand has the highest value, by arranging the cards into a High Hand and a Low Hand. Asia8 have design new kind of blackjack to let players have more fun.

How To Play

Bai Buu is a game with 2 to 8 players.

Players will deal four cards and form it to two set.

1. Each player will receive 4 cards using the entire deck.
2. Break these 4 cards into two sets of poker hands.
3. Bottom = strongest 2-card poker hands.
4. Top = 2-card hand.(please refer below)

Showdown and Scoring

• Showdown – Each player will compare each specific hand with every other player’s hand.
• Scoring – The better hand earns point off of the player with the weaker hand. Each point is the equivalent to the stake value. Bottom VS Bottom, and Top VS Top.
• Each point is equivalent to the stake value. If the stakes is $1, each point is $1, $2 stake equals to $2 per point and so forth.
• Card point A - 9 = 1- 9 points, Cards 10 - K consider as 0 points.
5. Then, there is another round of betting.

Combination Card Strength

1. 1 Point:
• Lowest strength 0 - highest strength 9,

2. 2 point:
• Lowest strength pair A - highest strength pair K
